At Christmas time, it’s often the small things that can make a big difference.

Whether that’s a gift bag for older patients in hospital alone over the festive season; a sensory fidget toy to soothe an anxious toddler awaiting treatment in the Emergency Department; or a bespoke gift, carefully chosen for the age and abilities of poorly children staying over in hospital over the whole Christmas period - thanks to you we can bring a bit of cheer to patients young and old across all our hospitals.

With one click, and for less than the cost of a cup of coffee, you can make a difference today for patients and staff in your local hospitals this Christmas.

Of course, we are also there for the staff who care for you and your loved ones, and at Christmas we make sure they get a little treat to say thank you for their care.

And with your kind donations we are also able to deliver the significant extras, like pieces of high-tech equipment or the refurbishment of patient waiting rooms. In fact Oxford Hospitals Charity funds millions of pounds worth of specialist technology and major improvements to our hospitals in Oxfordshire every year - all thanks to your kind support through donations, fundraising and gifts in Wills.

Your support matters so much. You help us to enhance patient care and support clinical teams in the delivery of the best possible treatment not just at Christmas, but all the year round.

Please, if you can, give a donation today.