Last month I joined Sarah from our Communications team to meet one of our latest supporters, Alex Davis and his brother, Quintin. Alex has taken on the immense challenge of attempting to complete 78 triathlons across the UK in just nine months! Running one in every UK city, plus two extra – because, well why not?


He wants to support our charity, to say thank you for the care a close family member receives, and is also fundraising for two other causes close to his heart. When I heard about this enormous challenge I just had to meet the person behind the fundraising page and find out more about what was motivating this amazing effort.


Alex’s plan was to start his epic event in Oxford, so I arrived at my local leisure centre bright and early at 7am on a grizzly Monday morning. Thankfully, the weather held out for just enough time for us to all get acquainted, ahead of Alex diving into the start of his triathlon.


Despite the huge size of the challenge ahead of him, Alex was relaxed and chatty – and ready for the off.


His brother Quintin and I agreed that this is no challenge for the faint-hearted! It is wonderful to see Alex's determination and motivation to support not only Oxford Hospitals but two other deserving charities, Auto Raise and National Paralympic Heritage Trust.


Alex may not be a professional triathlete, but that’s what makes his fundraising challenge even more impressive, one triathlon is difficult, let alone 78 in nine months! He's been training incredibly hard to get started and has received so much support from his family, friends, and the team at Equate, whe he and Quintin work.


After completing the Oxford leg – with its 1.5km swim, 10km run and 40km swim, Alex was immediately planning his next one!

Next stop was St Albans, followed by Manchester – so that’s three down already – and Leeds next in line.


We are all routing Alex, I’ve been sure to keep an eye on his hashtag #TriathlonEveryUKCity it has been amazing to hear more about Alex’s Challenge, and to be able to see updates is fantastic. My favourite part about any fundraising is seeing the updates, and hearing first hand from our special supporters;  it brightens my day to see and hear what they get up to and their unique ideas to raise money for our local hospitals. Also check out his JustGiving Page here


As always, I look forward to seeing our incredible supporters, like Alex take on all types of challenges in the coming months.


Are you looking to start your own Fundraiser? 

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