What is Friends of Oxford Hospitals Charity?

This is a group for our fantastic community of fundraisers and supporters, bringing everyone together so we can support each other and achieve more for the hospitals we all care about.

Whether you're an individual, family, team, organisation, school or group, all are welcome! 

It's a chance for us to say thank you for your amazing support and to listen to your experiences and ideas.

How do Friends of Oxford Hospitals Charity work? 

We will keep in touch with you by email, making sure you hear the latest news from the charity. You can also join our private Facebook group where you can chat about fundraising, share updates and spread the word about what you're doing.

We will also invite you to a meeting every couple of months to meet others in an informal setting, where we will share our latest charity news and info about upcoming events, projects and appeals. 

And this will also be a chance to let others know what you're up to, so we are sharing and growing fundraising ideas as a group. 

We hope this will be a forum for your suggestions about what we could do together, and discuss upcoming events in the community you might like to get involved with.

In time as the group grows we may even decide to organise an event - working together to achieve more and increase our fundraising potential.

How does this benefit you?

This is an opportunity to be part of a bigger picture. You can:

  • Learn more about our charity and how it helps patients and staff in our hospitals
  • Meet like-minded people with similar experiences and aims
  • Get more help and advice, hints and tips to support your efforts
  • Raise awareness for your fundraising projects
  • Network for your organisation or group
  • Collaborate together 
  • Have a wider reach for your events

The group can also offer you an opportunity to get more involved and even create your own fundraising event together - using our shared resources to spread the workload and do more together.

We will keep in regular touch with you, give you a heads up about new events and activities, and you will be the first to hear our latest news. The charity will also learn more about your events so we can support you wherever possible with things like merchandise, speeches and cheque presentations.

Ultimately, you will be part of a special community!

How can I join?

If you are a family or individual who fundraises or has fundraised then we'd love you to join.  Your support means the world to the charity and we would love for you to be a Friend.

If you are an organisation, group or school: We would also love to have you! To join and remain a Friend, there is a minimum ask of one fundraising event or team participation in one of our events per year.

If you can offer a service that aids the charity and our events we'd love to hear from you too, so we can explore ideas with you.

How do I sign up?

Please fill in our form through this link

Thank you! We can't wait to grow our community of Friends of Oxford Hospitals Charity.