We are always grateful for the inspiring and thoughtful messages we receive from our local community at this time of year.

Do take a moment, if you can, to read some of the special words that have accompanied donations to Oxford Hospitals Charity this Christmas

May we also echo the sentiments of so many of these messages, and share our heartfelt thanks to the teams across all our hospitals working so hard. 

‘Thank you to all OUH staff for your wonderful work. Have a very Happy Christmas and New Year!’

‘Many thanks and much appreciation for all you do for your patients – often, as we know, well beyond ‘the call of duty’ We all owe you so much that cannot be repaid.’

‘I am very grateful for the very good care I have received on four occasions this year in the OUH. Thank you. x’

‘Always remembering the wonderful care received during my cancer treatment in 2011. Special thanks to the Brodey Centre and the radiotherapy teams.’

‘Best wishes to you all. My life has been saved twice by the JR staff and I am very grateful indeed.’

‘Thank you for your amazing work. We are celebrating our sixth Christmas with our daughter – which we wouldn’t have had without you. Merry Christmas, you are angels.’

‘I can’t praise the hospital staff enough for the work they do and the love and tender care they give. Thank you does not cover the respect I have for you all.’

‘Thank you to all the wonderful staff of the Oxford University Hospitals for their dedication and care to patients.’

‘To all the little ones spending their time in hospital, we have had wonderful care when we have been in with our daughter. I hope you all get better quickly xxx’

‘Thank you all for doing such a great job. It's much appreciated.’

‘Thank you for all of the care and support that I have received.’

‘Hope you manage to bring some cheer this Christmas!’


‘My warmest wishes to the incredible NHS staff. Please know that all your hard work is not unnoticed.’

‘I am forever grateful for the treatment and care provided for me by the oxford university hospitals.’

‘My son was a patient on the Bellhouse-Drayson ward two years ago and he received a beautiful gift early Christmas morning, keeping that magic alive! I would love to help someone else have the same experience we did even when times can be tough being in hospital at Christmas.’



‘My grandson was a patient when he was a few months old. He is now 5ft 8ins tall - a basket ball player, a bass guitar player, a very good cook and a-big follower of football. The care and attention he received on Tom’s Ward was exceptional at this worrying time. I would like to say a big thank you to all the dedicated nurses and doctors who day in and day out give of their expertise and care to all their young patients.’

‘Our very best wishes go to everyone who may be in need of care.’


‘Thank you for taking such good care of our son. Christmas is a hard time to be in hospital and we hope this gift helps another family in some way.’


‘Thanks to all hardworking staff in our Oxford hospitals and best wishes to all patients you are caring for at Christmas’

‘Thank you for looking after my baby when she spent her first 6 months including Christmas in the John Radcliffe 2020. She received such a special stocking and it meant a lot to us when we couldn’t have her home with us and her big brother. This charity is very close to our hearts xx hope we can put a smile on some little faces this Christmas until they can be home again xx’


‘Happy Christmas to all patients and staff’


‘fantastic hospital with brilliant staff. Thank you’

‘Thank you for all the wonderful work you do both at Christmas and throughout the year. You are much appreciated by so many people.’

‘Best wishes to all the hospital staff in Oxford, Thank you for all your help in the past’

Our special thanks to all who have shared their good wishes and donations to support these special hospitals. There's still time to support Oxford Hospitals Charity's annual Give a Gift Christmas appeal