We want to say a big thank you to four wonderful year nine pupils from Didcot Girls school who have recently raised a fantastic £118 for the Oxford Children’s Hospital Charity.

Aleena, Leha, Orla and Dea chose to nominate Oxford Children’s Hospital Charity for their ‘First Give’ project - a scheme run by the school to encourage the girls to think about social action, charitable giving and raising awareness for causes, as well as the responsibility of organising fundraising events and presentations, all for the chance to win £1000 for their charity.

The four girls and their chosen charity were voted the best in their tutor-group, so Oxford Children’s Hospital Charity was made the official charity of their class. The girls organised a phenomenal school fete fundraiser, which included a bake sale, a throw the sponge at a teacher, guess the sweets in the jar and Leha created her own germ game where the aim was to throw a tennis ball at a germ to win a lollipop.

As the official charity of the class, the girls were in the running for a competition against eight others for a £1000 donation from ‘First Give’. For the final, the girls had to present the charity to a panel of judges, including the Mayor of Didcot, as well as the entire year group. They were judged on the quality of their presentation, the evidence of their social action, their passion for the cause and their demonstration of how the charity would benefit from the donation.

Through their own research and a little help from our Community Fundraiser David Child, the girls spoke fantastically about the charity and the children’s hospital.

Out of nine charities and classes, the girls came second place, missing out on the top spot by just half a point. They were awarded a Special Commendation from the judging panel and the Mayor specifically praised them for their top-quality presentation and delivery skills.

The girls were undeterred by second place, and plan to throw more fundraising events for the charity in future, such as a non-uniform day next year, where they hope to raise £1000 or more!

David Child who attended the presentation on behalf of the charity said, ‘We would like to wish Aleena, Leha, Orla and Dea a huge congratulations for their hard work on the First Give Project.

‘They demonstrated flawless public speaking and a superb grasp of the charity, which earned them an extremely well-deserved Commendation from the Mayor.

‘They should be so proud to have come second place - the involvement and awareness they raised with their presentation and school fete is just as beneficial as the First Give grant.

‘They were stunning ambassadors for the charity and embody all the qualities of giving back and taking responsibility that the First Give project was designed for. They deserve to be so proud of themselves.

‘We’re so pleased they’re excited to continue fundraising for the children’s hospital and cannot wait to see what they achieve. There’s no doubt these girls will go far!’