Nine-year-old Evie-Rose, from West Hanney, decided that this year she wanted to do something for charity that she could feel really proud about.

She set herself a challenge to swim 1,000 metres at her local swimming pool in Oxford and raise £1,000 for Oxford Hospitals Charity.

Evie-Rose said: ‘My teacher asked us to write a bucket list of things we would like to achieve in the next 12 months, I thought really hard, and decided as I was a good swimmer, I’d like to challenge myself, and raise some money doing it.

When asked why she chose to raise money for Oxford Hospitals Charity Evie-Rose explained: ‘I chose this charity because they have helped so many members of my family – including me!

‘In 2020 I had an eye test and it showed I had fluid on my brain, the John Radcliffe Hospital saw me very quickly, and looked after me really well.

‘The nurse was really nice to me, and the play specialists brought me magazines and a space hopper for being so brave because I had an MRI scan, a lumbar puncture and lots of blood tests. Luckily, I was ok, and there was nothing seriously wrong.

‘I was only in the hospital for one day before they ruled out a brain tumour. My family will be forever grateful for the speed that they gave us that relieving news.’

‘I also chose this charity because my Oma and Opa (grandparents) both received amazing cancer care and also because my mummy had meningitis when she was pregnant with my little brother and the hospital saved them both!

‘I sadly lost my Grampy in 2021, he passed away peacefully in the John Radcliffe Hospital, the Oxford Hospitals Charity was close to his heart due to the care they provided to his daughter (my Aunty Claire).’

Evie-Rose was spurred on by all these family members helped by our hospitals and completed her 1,000 metre swim in just 50 minutes - an amazing achievement. She also smashed her fundraising total!

Claire Hughes from Oxford Hospitals Charity said, ‘We want to thank Evie-Rose for raising an amazing £1,600 for our charity which hugely exceeded her original target.

‘It’s fundraising activities like this that make a big difference across our hospitals and we are so grateful for her amazing efforts.’

If Evie-Rose has inspired you to take on a new challenge and fundraise for the hospital close to your heart, please take a look at our fundraising ideas page to give you lots of inspiration.