When thinking about how to celebrate her 60th birthday, abseiling was not the first thought that crossed Breast Care Nurse, Jo O’Callaghan’s mind.   

But after seeing a poster for the Oxford Hospitals Charity abseil, Jo knew that this challenge would be a great way to mark the milestone, whilst giving something back to the hospitals that she cares about.  

Having a fear of heights and admitting that she is not an ‘adventurous type’, this is sure to put Joanne out of her comfort zone.

But, as Breast Care Nurse at the Churchill Hospital, she sees patients facing their own personal challenges on a daily basis – so this is something she is determined to do.

Jo told us: “I have never done anything like this before, but it is a great way to face the unknown, just as many of my patients have to do when experiencing cancer treatment.   

“The hospital teams were so grateful to Oxford Hospitals Charity for supporting the staff throughout the pandemic, so this is my way of giving something back.”  

As a proud mum to three grown up sons, who are, in Jo’s words, ‘amazed their mum is doing this challenge,’ Jo has been nursing for just over 40 years. 

And, she is also making it a family affair, as she has also roped in her husband Mark to complete the abseil with her! 

She originally planned to take part in the charity’s abseil in September 2022, but this was postponed due to the death of the Queen. So after a long wait she is finally going to get her abseil moment.

Gail Williams, at Oxford Hospitals Charity said: “We’re delighted that Jo and Mark are joining in the abseil. We think they are a great pair of sports and look forward to cheering them on, on the day.

“The whole charity team is excited for the return of the Great Big Hospital Abseil as we have been without this event for three years now due to the pandemic and the passing of the Queen.”

“We’d love more people from across the county to sign up for our brilliant abseil, which is taking place on Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th June, and costs just £25 to enter.”

If Joanne has inspired you to join in the Great Big Hospital Abseil, it’s not too late to sign up. Please visit www.hospitalcharity.co.uk/abseil or call us on 01865 743 428