Karl Carnegie-Channer is another one of our amazing runners, taking part in the London Marathon for Oxford Hospitals Charity this weekend. Karl, 45, from Bicester is running to thank the Horton Children’s Ward, who cared for his daughter.

Nine-year-old Annabel was born with an antibody deficiency, called an IgA deficiency, that affects about 1 in 600 people.

When Annabel was little, something as simple as a common cold could be potentially life-threatening as she couldn’t fight it off herself – so she would be rushed into hospital.

Annabel could be in hospital for up to a week at a time fighting off a cough or cold. She was carefully monitored, sometimes on oxygen and at times things were so bad putting her into an induced coma was considered.

Karl said, “Over five years Annabel was in and out of the hospital at least 30 times. During covid she had to completely shield and she had open access to the hospital, which meant she could be seen immediately as her condition could be life-threatening.”

“She is now three years clear of hospital, this might be because her lungs are maturing, which is amazing. Dr Simms and his team were there from the start and we can’t thank them enough for their care of Annabel. This marathon is my small way of giving something back.”

Karl has tried for 10 years to enter the ballot for the London Marathon without success but this year he managed to get a place. He has accomplished other events over the years including a half marathon and bike rides but never a challenge as big as this. Commenting, his wife Lindsey said: ‘We are so proud of Karl, he has suffered with his mental health recently and this challenge has been a great focus for him and has helped him to overcome this.

‘He has been training so hard with his friend and even though he has been pushed way out of his comfort zone, he is more than ready for this.”

Karl has reached the 20 mile mark on his practice runs and is now trying to keep his fitness up before the race by riding his bike. He went up to London to get his number earlier this week and is all set for his challenge.

The whole Oxford Hospitals Charity team would like to say a very good luck to Karl, and to all our runners this Sunday - we can’t wait to hear how the run goes.

If you would like to donate to Karl’s JustGiving page click here.