A huge thank you to every single one of our Oxford Half Marathon team this October.

We had a seventy strong team of wonderful hospital staff and supporters running for Oxford Hospitals Charity.

It was also great to see so many other fabulous local charities out in force on what was a perfect Oxford Autumn morning.

The OHC team included consultants who’d just come off night shifts, parents who ran in gratitude for the care their children have received, and some in memory of lost loved ones. 

Together they have already raised close to £40,000 for special causes across our wonderful hospitals.

Our senior Fundraising ad Events Manager, Lucy Walker, was blown away by the support.

She said: “This is the biggest team the charity has ever had at the Oxford Half and we are so proud of everyone who took part in support of Oxford Hospitals Charity.

“We had staff from across all our Oxfordshire hospitals as well as many patients and their families, and runners from the local business community, all putting their best foot forward to make a difference this Sunday.

“It was a perfect crisp Autumn morning, with clear blue skies for the 13,000 participants running though Oxford’s historic streets, and I can honestly say that the city has never looked more beautiful.

“It was such a brilliant day and truly inspiring to see so many of our amazing runners as well as all the other local charities represented in force at this very special event.”

“We’d like to share a huge thank you to all our team and also to the Oxford Half for such a well organised event, BBC Radio Oxford for their fantastic broadcasting and all the incredible support staff and volunteers who make it all possible.”

We are already gearing up for next year's run, which takes place on Sunday 13 October. Go to this page to let us know if you'd like to join the team!

Register your interest here 

or find out more below
