Raise a cuppa to Ron! Ron Biles loved a cup of tea – one sugar and a biscuit on the side… The former NHS caretaker spent his latter years as a busy volunteer at the John Radcliffe Hospital, working closely with our charity. For over ten years he regularly helped with our mailings, working alongside a group of lovely ladies – who we affectionately called our ‘stuffers’. If you’ve received our magazine over the years, then there’s a good chance that Ron’s hands helped to get it to you. In fact he was so keen on his volunteering work that he was often found as early as 7am at the front door of the charity’s office, eager to get going. Cynthia Charlett, from the charity team, remembers: ‘Before volunteering with us Ron did National Service and worked at Minty Furnishings, then joined the NHS Estates team in the nineties as a caretaker, where he looked after the Manor House building on the JR site. He’d come in really early on cold winter mornings to turn on radiators for staff and often brought in buttered fruit buns – he was such a lovely man. After he retired, Ron started helping the charity. All the other volunteers were ladies, so he got involved in some hilarious conversations because they didn’t hold back!’ Janet Sprake, who used to work at the charity, remembers: ‘Ron was absolutely passionate about the NHS because he’d had major heart surgery himself and also he also vividly remembered the days before the NHS existed, when his mum would have to save up to pay the doctor for any treatment.’ He often came into the office armed with dozens of cakes he’d baked himself, and really enjoyed the community spirit of being a volunteer.’ Ron died in August 2018 aged 83. His final generous act was something really quite extraordinary. Ron had included the charity in his will – leaving half his estate to Oxford Hospitals Charity – an incredible £292,000. He knew how important gifts in wills have been to our hospitals, having seen how they helped the charity transform areas such as the Children’s Hospital, Cancer Centre and Heart Centre – in fact he’d been reading about all these advances in the magazines he’d been stuffing for years. And he really loved his local community – he was an Oxford man, through and through – living in the same home all of his 83 years. Ron’s legacy will make a difference to thousands of local patients for years to come. And as a tribute we are asking you all to raise a cuppa to Ron (feel free to have a biscuit on the side) and say thank you to this kind-hearted caretaker. We know Ron cared deeply about his local hospitals and think he would be delighted at the idea that his generosity might inspire others to include the charity in their will, so that they too can make a difference for future generations. Thank you Ron. If you feel inspired by Ron and would like more information about how to leave a gift to Oxford Hospitals Charity in your Will, no matter how big or small, read more here or get in touch using the methods below. Tel: 01865 743 444 Email: [email protected] Manage Cookie Preferences