NEW – Endoscopic Spinal Surgery at the John Radcliffe Hospital

Equipment funded by Oxford Hospitals Charity has allowed the John Radcliffe in Oxford to become one of only a handful of hospitals in the UK able to offer pioneering full endoscopic spine surgery to its patients.

Endoscopic surgery is the latest generation of minimally invasive spine surgery. The entire operation is done through a port (like a tiny puncture) and doesn’t require a large incision in the skin or muscle, reducing muscle damage and decreasing back pain after an operation.

Thanks to funding of £108,000 from the charity, up to 100 patients a year can now benefit from this state-of-the-art surgical technique.

Mr Murtuza Sikander, Consultant Neurosurgeon and Spine Surgeon at Oxford University Hospitals said, ‘Endoscopic surgery is well established in brain, abdominal, hip and knee surgeries but is new to spine surgery.

‘It has many benefits including bloodless operations, less scarring, and quicker rehabilitation to normal life. In fact, it allows most patients to be sent home the same day, which is good for all concerned.

‘We are delighted to now be able to offer this gold standard technique and would like to thank Oxford Hospitals Charity and their generous donors who funded this very specialised equipment.’

Douglas Graham, CEO of Oxford Hospitals Charity said, ‘We are thrilled that the charity has been able to provide this world-class piece of equipment that will make such a huge difference to spinal surgery in our NHS Trust and are extremely grateful to those who kindly donated towards it.’

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