John Inglett, from Didcot suffered a very serious stroke at the age of 56 and needed major brain surgery followed by months of intensive rehabilitation at the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre or NOC as it is often referred to.  

Once he was able to return home he challenged himself to walk 100 lengths of his patio – something that took every bit of his courage and willpower - and raised an incredible £7,000.

Recently John, his wife Donna, his family and friends visited the gym at the NOC's Centre for Enablement, to cut the ribbon on the physio equipment that his fundraising efforts so kindly funded. 

John explained that being cared for during lockdown meant he grew strong relationships with the members of the NHS team who looked after him. 

"I received excellent care, including extensive physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and amazing care from the nursing staff. I will never be able to repay all their kindness and support.

"They were such a great team and I was thrilled to be able to do something positive for them once I was home. It’s been brilliant to come back and see them all again, and I was so touched that they made it all really special with a ribbon cutting, cakes and a lovely catch up."

David Child, Community Fundraiser for Oxford Hospitals Charity added: “It was a delight to meet John, and his family at the ribbon-cutting. John’s resilience in the face of adversity, along with his willing to give to others, his good nature and positive attitude is truly inspiring. His efforts have transformed the gym, benefitting countless other patients. Well done, John!”

If John has inspired you, why not organise your own challenge to support the hospital cause close to your heart? Visit: for more details.