Oxford Hospitals Charity has received a donation of £122,500 from the national charity NHS Charities Together.

The donation, along with support from local donors, fundraisers and businesses, has helped the Oxfordshire charity to respond with speed to the needs of NHS staff and patients during the COVID-19 crisis.

NHS Charities Together launched an urgent covid appeal in March, with Captain Tom Moore (now Sir Tom) capturing the heart of the nation and thousands of fundraisers and donors, including many from Oxfordshire, supporting the national fundraising effort.

Donations to the major appeal are being distributed to NHS charities across the whole of the UK .

Douglas Graham, CEO of Oxford Hospitals Charity said: ‘We have been a member charity of NHS Charities Together for many years, and have been utterly bowled over by their tremendous support for local charities like ours in recent months.

‘The organisation really captured the mood of the nation and inspired thousands of individuals and businesses to actively show their support for the NHS during these difficult days.

‘We have also had many local people getting behind our own fundraising appeal and donating directly to Oxford Hospitals Charity. Thanks to all this incredible support we have funded many important pieces of medical equipment, and really looked after our NHS hospital colleagues as they have been working through these complex times.’

Sam Foster, the Chief Nursing Officer at Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust added:

 ‘We all know that our hospital charity has always loved to look after staff and patients across our four hospitals and community delivered services.

‘We are incredibly grateful for this genuine care for us and for our patients – it has made such a difference – especially during difficult these days.’

‘We want to say a huge  thank you for  the support from our  local community and from NHS Charities Together that has enable  Oxford Hospitals Charity to wrap itself around our teams every day since the pandemic began.’

Donations have helped the charity to fund:

  • High tech monitor at home systems for hundreds of children with cystic fibrosis, breathing problems and heart conditions – helping clinicians to link in with the patients remotely and avoid extra hospital appointments
  • Disposable toys for children in hospital – including lego and books for patients to take home at the end of their hospital stay - keeping children entertained whilst maintaining strong infection control.
  • Meals and support for hundreds of hospital staff staying in lodgings and hotels in order to be close to the hospitals during the most intense periods
  • Respite Rooms with a calm and caring environment to support staff wellbeing and give space to recuperate.
  • Communication aids to help families stay in touch with their loved ones whilst visiting was not possible.

CEO Douglas Graham added: ‘The charity team and volunteers have been able to be by the side of staff and patients providing extra support throughout – all thanks to this incredible generosity.

‘There remains much more for us to do. The long term effects of Covid – both in terms of patient care, staff support and how our hospitals work in these unchartered waters  - will mean this charitable support continues to be key.

‘The mission of Oxford Hospitals Charity  is to be there to help staff and patients across the John Radcliffe, Churchill, Horton, Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre and Oxford Children’s Hospital – and we know with the tremendous support from our local community and NHS Charities Together we can continue to make a difference every day.’

To find out more about how Oxford Hospitals Charity makes a difference across the wards and departments of your local hospitals, get in touch with the team via the methods below. 

Tel: 01865 743 444

Email: [email protected] 


Oxford Hospitals Charity (registered charity no 1175809) is the official charity supporting Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. www.hospitalcharity.co.uk