The Velvet Tones, a long-established 19-piece big band based in Oxfordshire, has once again showcased their commitment to making a positive impact on the local community by raising money for Oxford Hospitals Charity.

The orchestra recently held a captivating evening of jazz, singing, and dancing, alongside a raffle, raising over £400 in support of the Oxford Hospitals Charity.

The event, held at North Oxford Golf Club, was part of the orchestra's ongoing initiative to contribute to various charitable causes across Oxfordshire. The Velvet Tones have gained a reputation for hosting monthly charity nights that offer free entry to attendees, with the sole purpose of raising funds for different causes that benefit the local community.

Speaking on behalf of Oxford Hospitals Charity David Child said, ‘We are enormously grateful to Charl and the Velvet Tones Big Band for fundraising for our charity.

‘It was a pleasure to see them in action and enjoy the fun vibes of the night. It was also great to chat to the audience-members about the charity and hear their stories of our hospitals, and we cannot thank them enough for donating to our cause.’

If you are part of a community group and would like to fundraise for Oxford Hospitals Charity at your upcoming events, please get in touch by visiting: