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Your support can have a huge impact across the John Radcliffe Hospital.
The John Radcliffe Hospital provides acute medical and surgical services, including trauma and intensive care, as well as being Oxfordshire's main centre for emergency care.
The Headington site also houses the West Wing, which contains the Oxford Eye Hospital, Neurosciences and the Oxford Children's Hospital. The Women's Centre and Oxford Heart Centre are also based on the JR site.
Donations are directed to the areas of greatest need across our hospitals; however, if you wish to support a specific area just let us know.
You can support the John Radcliffe Hospital by making a donation today.
You can also make a donation online:
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Do remember to tick the Gift Aid box if you are a UK taxpayer, as that will increase your donation by 25 percent.
The Oxford Heart Centre at the John Radcliffe Hospital is a centre of excellence for treating people with heart disease. A two year fundraising campaign helped to create the modern and spacious centre, and helps us continue to provide the very best medical equipment and hospital environment for our heart patients. Read more
The Oxford Craniofacial Unit is one of the four highly specialised craniofacial units in the UK,undertaking approximately 80 procedures and seeing over 1,200 outpatients each year. Find out today how you can make a difference to the 1,200 patients who use this service each year. Read more
The Oxford Eye Hospital is a much loved part of the John Radcliffe Hospital, based in the West Wing. Read more